Monthly subscription includes 1 hour health consult per month plus 5% discount on all products. Consult includes analysis of medical test results, supplements, lifestyle (including foods and eating habits), environment (including EMF/RF/Radiation) to determine the most beneficial protocol for your particular individual wellbeing. The one time charge for 1 hour consult is $40.

Trish Seaward, CN (Certified Nutritionist), CET (Certified Enzyme Therapist)

951 468 2072


On this site you will find information regarding reasons for ill health and aging, and you will find the most beneficial products to rejuvenate. Your well-being depends on what you think, drink, breathe, eat, and put on your body. Of what you put on your body alone, 20% deposits in your skin, 15% deposits in your organs, and 10% goes to your brain. The bio-accumulation of toxins (especially synthetic chemicals) will result in disease unless eliminated. Deep sweating, massage, superfoods, liquid plant-based minerals are the most effective means to detoxify. Organic whole food and wholefood supplements, and enzyme supplementation are also very important for a healthy body and mind.

—Trish Seaward, CN, CET